The Runaway Word. Languages and Religious Exile in the Renaissance

Date: 7 Novembre 2017 au 8 Novembre 2017

Documents à télécharger : 
PDF icon The_Runaway_Word._Languages_and_Religiou.pdf

This conference brings together scholars who work on texts published in Geneva during Calvin’s lifetime and until the end of the 16th century. The debate will focus on stylistic, rhetorical, and linguistic issues
in this editorial production determined by Calvinist thought and theology. The conference will also take into account the political as well as social contexts in which these texts were conceived and produced, such
as the censorial system put in place by Calvin himself or by the administrative bodies set up on his authority, the editorial market, and the circulation of books in a reformed milieu. In addition, the conference will
address the influence exerted by the “polyglossie du refuge” on the works printed during this period.